#1105 F-16C Fighting Falcon

F-16C Fighting Falcon
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£10.00 €12.00 $12.94
43.8 cm x 29.2 cm
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F-16C Fighting Falcon
335 Sqn, 116 Combat Wing
Araxos AFB
Greece - Air Force
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Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 1105 - F-16C Block 52M Fighting Falcon, 001, 335th Squadron, 116th Combat Wing, Araxos AFB. 335 Squadron, call sign “Tiger”, is the oldest squadron of the Hellenic Air Force, as it was formed in October 1941 at the Palestinian airport of Akir. The squadron was initially equipped with the Hurricane IIB fighter aircraft and thereafter with the Hurricane IIC. In September 1944, the Squadron redeployed to Italy and, at the end of October, to Hassani airport (today’s Hellenikon airport) in Greece. From 1945 up to 1977 the Squadron re-deployed to Sedes, Elefsis, Nea Anchialos, Larisa, and Tanagra airport, with a variety of aircraft; Spitfire IX and XVI, F-84G, F-84F and RT-33A. The first F-104G Starfighter aircraft started to arrive in May 1965, and in June 30, 1977, the Squadron redeploys to 116 CW at Araxos from where it operates till today. From May 1965 until May 1992 it flew with the F-104G, and on April 3, 1993, 335 receives the 2nd generation A-7E and TA-7C Corsair aircraft. However, in 2009 a new period begins for 335 Squadron as well as for the Hellenic Air Force in general. The Squadron receives the brand new fourth generation F-16 BLK 52M (Advanced), in its new facilities which were built at Araxos. The delivery was completed in February 2010, whilst, from March the Squadron introduces weapons like the JSOW-JDAM, the LINK-16 system, as well as the new RECCE POD to the this moderm, fourth generation, F-16. 335 Squadron pilots are trained to carry out the whole range of air missions day and night, under any weather conditions, since the jet with which the squadron is equipped, is capable of carrying out all the Air Force’s and NATO’s missions with equal efficiency. Thus, 335 Squadron pilots continue its glorious history flying everywhere in the Hellenic airspace, as well as in the European sky, with the F-16 BLK 52M.