#1238 E-2C Hawkeye

E-2C Hawkeye
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43.8 cm x 29.2 cm
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E-2C Hawkeye
166505 '600'
NAS Point Mugu, California
US - Navy
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Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 1238 - E-2C Hawkeye, 166505 '600', Airborne Early Warning Squadron ONE ONE SEVEN (VAW-117), NAS Point Mugu, California. The World Famous “Wallbangers” of Carrier Airborne Command and Control Squadron One One Seven (VAW-117) are home ported in NBVC Point Mugu, California. The Wallbangers fly the Navy’s only carrier-based command and control platform, the E-2C Hawkeye. The Hawkeye is designed for airborne early warning. It is a 5-seat, twin-turboprop, all-weather aircraft. From high altitudes, the Hawkeye looks beyond the horizon and over obstacles to deny the enemy their most valuable asset: surprise. Equipped with state-of-the-art systems, the Hawkeye provides fully automatic detection and tracking over land and water. Additionally, it supplies simultaneous surveillance of air and surface traffic. All data obtained aboard the plane can be relayed to surface command posts for display and decision-making. The Wallbangers were established at NAS North Island, CA on 1 July 1974, as part of Fighter Early Warning Wing, U.S. Pacific Fleet. The squadron received its first E-2B aircraft in October 1974, and, a year later, they deployed to the Mediterranean Sea onboard the USS INDEPENDENCE (CV-62). The squadron made its first Western Pacific (WESTPAC) deployment with Carrier Air Wing TWO onboard the USS RANGER (CV-61) in February 1979. Over the past 30 years, the Wallbangers have constantly found themselves at the tip of the spear. During the 1988 WESTPAC onboard the USS ENTERPRISE, VAW-117 played a key role in Operation PRAYING MANTIS during which an Iranian ship was destroyed. In addition, the Wallbangers excelled in providing command and control during the attacks on oil platforms and small ships. Onboard the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN’s maiden WESTPAC Voyage in May of 1991, VAW-117 assisted in the evacuation from the Philippines after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo during “Operation FIERY VIGIL.” The Wallbangers were awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award for their efforts in assisting in the evacuation. After the terrorist bombings of Sept. 11th, 2001, the Wallbangers, onboard the USS CARL VINSON (CVN-70), were among the first aircraft to lead in the strikes on Afghanistan. The Wallbangers flew an unprecedented amount of combat sorties in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. They served as an information-clearing house, providing a communications relay between command authorities on the ground and tactical aircraft airborne. What began as an operation that consisted mainly of carrier-based naval air assets evolved into a multi-service and multi-faceted, combined operations. The Wallbangers were crucial in ensuring the smooth integration of aircraft from Navy, Air Force, and allied nations. The Wallbangers have made several advancements in the past few years. In 1999, they were selected to provide operational testing for the Navy’s newest AEW upgrade, the MCU/ACIS (Mission Computer Upgrade/ Advance Computer Information System). In July 2001, the Wallbangers were the first squadron to deploy with the new MCU/ACIS system. They were the first fleet squadron to receive the Hawkeye 2000 aircraft with the Communications Navigation Surveillance and Advanced Traffic Management (CNS-ATM) upgrade. This new upgrade incorporates a modern glass cockpit, replacing 1950’s era steam gauges. The Hawkeye 2000 also features the Cooperative Engagement Capability system (CEC). CEC is the Navy’s most comprehensive sensor fusion system and drastically improves the Carrier Strike Group’s situational awareness and self-defense capabilities. The Hawkeye 2000’s advanced features have allowed the Wallbangers to give warfare commanders the most complete, up-to-the-minute picture possible of theater operations. VAW-117 is comprised of 150 officers and enlisted personnel hailing from all corners of the United States. Their diverse backgrounds have helped forge an aggressive war fighting unit renowned for its operational excellence, innovation, and battle efficiency. “Bangers Lead The Way.”