#1267 Sikorsky S-92A

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Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 1267 - Sikorsky S92A, EI-ICG, Irish Coast Guard.
The Irish Coast Guard has four helicopter rescue bases (located at Shannon, Dublin, Waterford and Sligo) which are operated under contract by CHC Ireland. The bases originally operated the Sikorsky S61N, until the nationwide fleet upgrade commenced in July 2012. By the end of 2013 all Irish bases had upgraded to the new aircraft. The S92A equips the Irish Coast Guard with the latest technology, to undertake All Weather Search and Rescue missions at land and at sea, out to a range of approximately 260 nautical miles. The aircraft is also fully equipped and approved to carry out inland Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) missions and also for External Load Operations (cargo slinging). The S92A is a proven world class SAR aircraft, which will meet Ireland’s rescue needs for the future.
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