#1415 Squirrel HT1

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Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 1415 - ZJ271, Squirrel HT1, Defence Helicopter Flying School, 660 Squadron Army Air Corps & 705 Naval Air Squadron.
The task of the Defence Helicopter Flying School (DHFS) located at RAF Shawbury is to provide basic helicopter training for the pilots of the three Services and Foreign & Commonwealth Countries. The school was formed on 1 April 1997 operating the Squirrel HT Mk 1 light training helicopter to conduct both single engine basic and advanced training preparing students for the complexities of twin engine and operational flying. Although the DHFS is a military school a contractor provides the helicopters, their maintenance and 40% of the flying instructors. 660 Squadron Army Air Corps and 705 Naval Air Squadron are the two Squadrons that deliver the Single Engine training. Each is responsible for taking students from their very first flight in a helicopter through to basic handling skills and then on to more advanced techniques such as instrument flying, navigation training, mountain flying, confined area operations, winching and finally close formation.
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Signed Atlantic Flyers Print
84 Sqn; 78 SqnRAF Akrotiri; RAF Benson; RAF Lossiemouth