#522CU Tornado ECR

Tornado ECR
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£10.00 €11.97 $12.95
43.8 cm x 29.2 cm
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Tornado GR4
Germany - Air Force
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Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 522CU : 46+32, Tornado ECR, Jagdbombergeschwader 32, Lechfeld, Germany. The Fighter Bomber Wing 32 was formed in July 1958 at Lechfeld with the F-84F "Thunderstreak". The Wing operated the F-104 "Starfighter" between 1965 and 1984 before converting to the TORNADO lDS. The TORNADO IDS offered, with low-level penetration and battle effectiveness, a high probability of survival. The TORNADO ECR was conceived from the basic qualities of TORNADO IDS and has been flown by the 1st Squadron at Lechfeld since May 1991. Since the conversion of the 2nd Squadron in July 1994 FBW 32 has been the sole operator of TORNADO ECR. In comparison to the IDS version the TORNADO ECR has been equipped with extra systems and sensors to enable it to operate in the SEAD and tactical RECCE roles. The ELS (Emitter Location System) is a passive radar system, which detects, identifies and locates radar systems through their electromagnetic characteristics. The TORNADO ECR is armed with AGM 88 B "HARM" for employment against land-based and sea-based radars and with AIM 9L "Sidewinder" for selfdefence. Aircraft 46+32 was accepted by the Federal Department of Aviation on 9 August 1990 and commenced service with FBW 38 'F' on 30 August 1990. The aircraft was transferred to Lechfeld on 7 October 1993. A contingent of FBW 32 deployed to Piacenza/Italy in July 1995, the first German Air Force operational deployment since the end of the Second World War, in support of the peacekeeping measures of the UN and NATO in Bosnia.