#1072 Lynx AH9A

Lynx AH9A
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£10.00 €11.94 $12.93
43.8 cm x 29.2 cm
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Lynx AH9A
672 Sqn, AAC
UK - Army
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Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 1072 - Lynx AH9A, ZG920, 672 Squadron Army Air Corps, Disforth. 672 Squadron Army Air Corps was first raised in India in November of 1944. Along with five other Squadrons, 672 were designated Air-borne assault Squadrons in South East Asia. Each Squadron had an initial establishment of eighty Hadrian gliders and ten light aircraft manned by pilots of the Glider Pilot Regiment and Royal Air Force. 672 Squadron initially operated out of Birkham where it undertook sporadic glider training whilst also conducting jungle warfare training, but in common with the other Squadrons due to the defeat and subsequent surrender of the Japanese forces there was no requirement for the Squadron. As a result of the surrender the Squadron was disbanded on 1st July 1946. The Squadron was reformed on 1st January 1990 as the first Lynx Light Battlefield Helicopter Squadron, initially equipped with Mark 7 Lynx, then converting to Mark 9 Lynx. The Squadron was again put into suspended animation in December of 1993; the Squadron was again reformed in September of 2001 in order to develop Attack Helicopter ground crew tactics, techniques and procedures prior to the introduction of the Attack Helicopter. As the fielding Squadron for AH groundcrew, many of today’s Attack Helicopter procedures were developed by 672 Squadron during this period. In June 2004, 672 Squadron converted to the Light Utility Helicopter role equipped with the Lynx Mark 9 and immediately spent 12 months operating in support of the Attack Helicopter on Operation HERRICK in Afghanistan. From January to June 2007 the Squadron deployed in support of Multi-National elements on Op TELIC. 672 Squadron is the first AAC unit to convert onto the Mark 9A and deploy on Operation HERRICK in April 2010. This will give the Lynx Force an enduring presence in Afghanistan.