#1470 Puma, Merlin, Apache, Gazelle, Wildcat, Chinook

Puma, Merlin, Apache, Gazelle, Wildcat, Chinook
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£10.00 €12.00 $12.94
43.8 cm x 29.2 cm
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Gazelle AH1; Apache AH1; Wildcat HMA2; Merlin HM2; Puma HC2; Chinook HC6; Chinook HC5
ZJ233; ZB665; ZZ379; ZJ954; ZK550; ZJ122; ZH902
R&S Wing
RAF Benson
UK - Air Force
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Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 1470 - Rotary Wing Operational Evaluation and Training unit and Support Helicopter Standards Evaluation Wing (R&S Wing). R&S Wing was formed at RAF Benson on 6th October 1997, initially comprising of the Rotary Wing Operational Evaluation and Training Unit (RWOETU), and Support Helicopter Standards Evaluation Flight (SH STANEVAL). On 1st October 2009, No 667 (Development & Trials) Squadron AAC, based at Middle Wallop, joined the Wing to form the Joint Helicopter Command Operational Evaluation Unit (JHC OEU). R&S Wing has 3 distinct roles: the Test and Evaluation of new aircraft, equipment and tactics (JHC OEU); delivering tactical training, qualification and assurance through the annual Qualified Helicopter Tactics Instructor Course to JHC aircrew (Tactics and Training Flight); performing a single service assurance to JHC that RAF SH Squadron personnel are competent in role (SH STANEVAL). Since the formation of the Unit, R&S Wing aircrew have operated on virtually all in-service RAF, CHF and AAC helicopter types; the aircraft depicted on this print highlight those types in which Wing aircrew operated as at January 2018. The R&S Wg HQ is located at RAF Benson in the CAE Medium Support Helicopter Aircrew Training Facility.