#1565 Typhoon FGR4

Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 1565 - ZK424, Typhoon FGR4, 135 Expeditionary Air Wing, NATO CAPEVAL 2020, RAF Leeming.
No. 135 Expeditionary Air Wing (EAW) is the deployable element of Royal Air Force Leeming. The deployable elements from the station form the core element of this EAW and are augmented by flying and force protection elements and logistical support units to meet the requirements of the mission. The aim of CAPEVAL is to evaluate and rate against prescribed requirements and standards, the operational readiness of RAF declared forces. For NATO CAPEVAL 2020, No. 135 EAW is augmented by Typhoon aircraft from No. 1(Fighter) Squadron with elements of No. II (Army Co-operation) Squadron from Royal Air Force Lossiemouth, No. 7 Force Protection Wing from Royal Air Force Coningsby, No. 1 Squadron RAF Regiment with elements of No. 1 Tactical Police Squadron from RAF Honington, 90 Signals Unit based at Royal Air Force Leeming and 2 Mechanical Transport Squadron and 3 Mobile Catering Squadron from Royal Air Force Wittering. The EAWs are formed from the Royal Air Force’s Main Operating Bases. Today the Royal Air Force has six EAW’s located at Royal Air Force Waddington, Brize Norton, Northolt, Coningsby, Marham, Lossiemouth and Leeming. In the last five years No. 135 EAW has deployed three times in support to NATO operations: In 2014 it deployed to Lithuania on Operation AZOTIZE in support of the Baltic Air Policing Mission and in 2017 and 2018 to Romania on Operation BILOXI in support of the Southern Air Policing Mission. Over 650 personnel from both formed units and individual augmentees drawn from the wider Royal Air Force will be deployed on NATO CAPEVAL 2020.