#1592 KC-130T Hercules print

KC-130T Hercules print
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£10.00 €11.95 $12.94
43.8 cm x 29.2 cm
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KC-130T Hercules
Newburgh, New York
US - Marine Corps
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Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 1592 - 165352, KC-130T Hercules, Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron (VMGR) 452, Newburgh, New York.

The mission of Marine Aerial Refueling Transport Squadron 452 (VMGR-452) is to support the Marine Air Ground Task Force Commander by providing air-to-air refueling and assault support, day or night under all weather conditions during expeditionary, joint, or combined operations. Known as the “Yankees” and originally assigned the Lockheed Martin KC-130T Hercules aircraft, the squadron has resided at Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh, New York since its inception in September, 1988 as an element of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing, Marine Corps Forces Reserve.  Since that day, the “Yankees” have been called upon during Operations DESERT STORM and NORTHERN WATCH, and various NATO and coalition activities in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.  In the mid-1990s, the squadron received the first night vision compatible KC-130 aircraft in the Marine Corps and were dubbed the “Night Warrior Battle Herks.”  With its full complement of  aircraft survivability equipment, on-board flight awareness systems, and rigorous crew training, the “Yankees” provided fleet readiness support in preparation for any current or future conflict.  In the late 1990s, VMGR-452 participated in Exercise Dynamic Response and Operation NOBLE ANVIL in support of NATO humanitarian intervention efforts in Southeast Europe.  After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, VMGR-452’s reserves mobilized on numerous occasions to deploy in support of Operations IRAQI FREEDOM, ENDURING FREEDOM, NORTHERN WATCH, and INHERENT RESOLVE.  In 2005, as the catastrophic effects of Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, the squadron supported humanitarian efforts by providing logistical deliveries for military personnel involved in emergency response.  In 2011, as Libya reeled under the effects of civil war, the squadron supported coalition efforts during Operation UNIFIED  PROTECTOR, and immediately transitioned to the logistical arm of the newly formed Special Purpose Marine Air ground Task Force – Crisis Response, standing as a sentinel for the United States’ interests in North Africa.  In 2014, the squadron deployed a detachment as part of Marine Aircraft Group 50 at Isa Air Base, Bahrain, in support of theater cooperation and contingency operations in Central Command.  In 2018, the squadron deployed a detachment to support the nation’s multi-national strategic objectives in Europe and North Africa as part of Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force – Crisis Response – Africa, enabling bi-lateral and multi-lateral cooperation throughout the area of operations and bolstering the United States’ relationship with European and African partners.  After more than 30 years of successful operations under the wings of the KC-130T, October 2019 marked the beginning of the squadron’s transition to the KC-130J Super Hercules aircraft and the start of the sundown of the last “legacy” KC-130 squadron in the Marine Corps.  With the improved performance and advanced capabilities inherent with their transition to the “J model,” VMGR-452 continues to stand poised and prepared to answer the call to project lethal force to defend the security of the United States and sustain American influence abroad.