#1596 W-3A Sokol

Squadron Prints - Lithograph No. 1596: 0717, W-3A Sokol, 243rd Helicopter Squadron, 24th Transport Air Force Base Praha - Kbely.
The W-3A Sokol, meaning “Falcon” in English, is a Polish-designed, medium-sized, twin-engined, multi-purpose helicopter manufactured by PZL-Świdnik. The type was delivered to the Czech Air Force between September 1996 and February 1997, with eleven examples being exchanged for ten MiG-29 fighter aircraft. 2021, therefore, marks the 25th anniversary of the W-3A Sokol in service with the air arm. The Czech Air Force currently operates ten examples of the W-3A Sokol, all of which are now based at the 24th Transport Air Force Base at Praha-Kbely. There are two basic variants: a rescue variant for both SAR (Search And Rescue) and HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service) and a transport variant. The W-3A has been operated in the SAR and HEMS roles since 1997 and it can claim to have saved more than 10,000 lives, including during operations in serious country-wide flooding of 1997 and 2002 as well as the flash floods in the northern region of Bohemia in August 2010. The HEMS helicopter is on standby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can be airborne within 4 minutes during daylight hours or 10 minutes at night. The HEMS air crew generally comprises pilot, co-pilot/navigator and flight engineer and a medical team of a doctor and nurse. Primary tasks for “Kryštof 7” (the callsign of the Czech Air Force HEMS helicopter stationed at Line Airport) range from attending road traffic accidents through to a number of medical emergencies such as life-support transportation of newborn babies requiring intensive care. The transport variant is capable of carrying up to twelve passengers or over two metric tonnes of cargo. The versatile Sokol can also be used for fire-fighting duties and can be fitted with a so-called “bambi bucket”. The helicopter depicted, tail number 0717, is equipped with a Lucas rescue hoist which allows the crew to lift up to 270 kilograms, the equivalent of two persons per cycle, from a height of 100 metres. Other features include the SX-16 search light located below the nose which can be used for both the illumination of the landing zone at night and for search purposes and the Max-Viz 2300 EVS system located on the port side of the nose to improve visibility and safety.