#1605 Bristol UAS Tutor print

Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 1605 - G-BYWW, Tutor, Bristol University Air Squadron, Colerne Airfield.
Bristol University Air Squadron was formed in February 1941 and acted as an Initial Training Wing of an Officer Cadet Training Unit for the remainder of the war with flying limited to air experience flights in passenger aircraft. The Squadron disbanded in July 1946 but was reformed in November 1950 as a unit of Home Command equipped with four Tiger Moth T2s. The flying base was established at Filton where it remained until March 1992, moving temporarily to RAF Hullavington and then to its present home of Colerne in 1993. The Tiger Moths were soon replaced with Chipmunk T10s which were flown until January 1975 when the Squadron re-equipped with Scottish Aviation Bulldog T1 aircraft. It is established to give flying instruction for up to 75 students and recruits from the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth and the University of the West of England. In April 1996, the Squadron was further expanded when it amalgamated with No. 3 Air Experience Flight which had also previously operated Chipmunks. The Squadron was re-equipped with the Grob Tutor 115E in October 2000. The galleon on the Squadron badge is part of the Arms of Bristol and therefore alludes to the location of the unit while the Latin motto “Audentior Ito” means “Forward More Valiantly”. The Squadron maintains close links with the former No.501 (County of Gloucester) quadron Royal Auxiliary Air Force. Bristol University Air Squadron celebrated its 80th Anniversary on 25 February 2021, with the handover of control from its 25th Officer Commanding, Sqn Ldr Simon Brewis, to its 26th Officer Commanding, Sqn Ldr Piers Hammond, on the same day.