#1163 F-15C Eagle

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Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 1163 - F-15C Eagle, 1301, 13th Squadron, King Abdul Aziz Air Base, Royal Saudi Air Force.
The Thirteenth Squadron was established at King Abdul Aziz Air Base, Eastern Sector, in 1395 H (1975 AD) as a unit to transition Saudi Pilots to the British Lightning F53 aircraft. The squadron flew the Lightning until 1402 H (1982 AD), when the F-15 C/D Eagle was introduced into the Royal Saudi Air Force. The Thirteenth Squadron had the honor of receiving the first delivery of the Eagle in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). During the Iraq/Iran war, the squadron shared in the defense of the KSA, its territorial waters, and its sea navigation routes in the gulf. Notably, In June 1984, Thirteenth Squadron pilots shot down two Iranian F-4 Phantoms. Those aerial kills recognized the squadron as the first RSAF unit to shoot down hostile aircraft. Later in 1990, when Iraqi troops occupied the State of Kuwait, the Thirteenth Squadron flew 1932 sorties and 5582 hours in support of Operation DESERT SHIELD to defend the Northern and Eastern frontiers of the KSA. Shortly thereafter, the Thirteenth squadron contributed to Kuwait’s liberation during Operation DESERT STORM by executing 1016 sorties and 3369 flying hours. During this operation in January 1991, the Thirteenth Squadron would shoot down two Iraqi Mirage F-1 aircraft.