#875 Bell 212 AH Mk1

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Squadron Prints Lithograph No. 875 - Bell 212 AH Mk1, ZJ695 \'B\', 25 Flight AAC, Price Barracks, Belize.
In October 1963, 25 Flight formed part of 655 Squadron in Munster as part of the British Army on the Rhine. 25 Flight was later disbanded in January 1964. It reformed in 1965 in British Guiana, equipped with three Alouette II aircraft (XR385, XR386 and XP966). Shortly after Independence Day on 26 May 1966, the Flight was disbanded and the aircraft went into storage in the United Kingdom. In 1972, 14/20 H Air Squadron, comprising RAF and AAC aircraft, arrived in British Honduras to provide the air support for British Forces. On 1 June 1973, British Honduras was renamed Belize and later achieved independence on 21 September 1981. The Belize garrison was scheduled to close down in September 1982 but the Falklands War and its aftermath made this politically impossible. As a result the OC AAC Detachment Belize changed from a two year resident tour to a six month tour from September 1982 to March 1983. During this period the detachment operated three Gazelle AH Mk1 aircraft. The renaissance of the detachment led to the renaming as 25 Flight AAC in March 1984. In 1994, British Forces in Belize were drawn-down and the British Army Training Support Unit Belize (BATSUB) was formed, with 25 Flight as part of it. Over the course of its history, the flight has operated a variety of aircraft types. Initially equipped with Alouette IIs, the flight subsequently operated Scout, which were in turn replaced by Gazelle in January 1980. More recently the flight was equipped with two Lynx AH Mk7s. In 2003, these aircraft were replaced by three Bell 212 AH Mk1 helicopters. The Bell 212s are provided under contract by FB Heliservices, who conduct all maintenance at Price Barracks. 25 Flight’s primary role is to provide 24 hr/365 day Forward Aero-Medical Evacuation (FAME) cover for British Forces training throughout Belize. Additionally, the flight provides wider aviation support to British Forces and the Government of Belize.
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